Clothes hanger
作者:佚名 地點:台灣台北市中正區 材質:木梯,竹竿,尼龍繩 智慧:延伸曬衣服的空間 說明:在台灣的老舊公寓, 因為沒有專門曬衣服的場所, 所以需要臨時性的吊掛 架。 這種情況下, 人們利用竹竿橫跨牆與梯子, 組合成一個吊掛的空間。 當衣服收下來的時候, 也成為不讓人家停車的阻礙物。 Author:Anonymous. Location:Daan District, Taipei, Taiwan. Material:Wood ladder, Bamboo pole, Nylon strips. Intelligence:To extend the place for hang up the clothes. Explanation:In Taiwanese old apartments, we do not have a clearly place for hang up the clothes, so we usually set a flexible one on the road. Bamboo cross on wall and the ladder, it is quite cheap and no body stolen. After they gather the clothes back, it also can be a obstacle to tell person no parking place here.