I.C. Berlin Lecture
PERFORMING POLITICS is a series of events. talks, spontaneous workshops, social and perceptual experiments, the main focus of which is the grey areas between art and architecture and their critical spatial practices operating at different levels, scales, and interactive modes.
As space practioners activating space… In light of the 2012 post-utopian crisis… Because we live in a feeling without….
Inteligencias Colectivas gave the lecture of “Dinosaur and other pets” as a new way to reinvent ourself, another chance to look inside and evaluate the process with all the participants of the meeting. And we found this very important because the procedure of the lecture that is being developed is such a success format for us. It is not just giving a lecture but discussing with all the interested people at the same time that you are sowing your project, such an interesting discussion appears in different moments of the lecture so that it forces the discourse to be evolving as the areas of interest of the participants came up.
We are very proud and honoured to be in such an interesting meeting and it is very motivating for us to be part of this experience ( or should I say experiment).
Thank you very much to all the organizers for the amazing work but specially to Alvaro Urbano and Eric Elligsen.
Here is another amazing moment of the meeting with the Geo-Political Paella by Daniel Fernández Pascual from DECONCRETE ( a brother blog investigating the most impressive urban process around the world)